

凯尔·皮耶里认为他是投资的产物. 为他, 这些投资很早就开始了, 在马默杜克一个虔诚的基督教家庭长大, 阿肯色州. And they continued through the ministry of his family’s local church, where he came to see his need for a Savior and recognized Jesus as the only One who could meet that need.

I was at a Sunday morning service with my family when I was about 12 years old. I remember the pastor preaching the same kind of things that I had been hearing my whole life: sin and repentance and the need for a Savior. 那天早上,圣灵真的对我说话了. For the first time, instead of just understanding it, I really knew it and believed in who Jesus was. So, I accepted him as my Lord and Savior that Sunday morning. 

晚些时候, 凯尔经历了他个人对牧师的呼召, 虽然他不确定这通电话会往哪个方向打. 再一次。, trustworthy ministry leaders poured into his life and helped him discern God’s plan each step of the way. 随着时间的推移, 他和他的妻子, 瑞秋, began to feel a tug away from student ministry and toward foreign missions. That meant seminary; and for the Pieri family, that meant a move to New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and Leavell College.

I had tried to study online through a different seminary, but it really wasn’t for me. 我知道我需要亲自到教室里去. 所以,我开始探索各种选择. 

说实话,新奥尔良并不是我们的首选. But as the Lord continued to open and close doors, we came to a preview event at NOBTS. 在那次活动中,奥巴马博士说. Chuck Kelley said, “Do not come here unless God is calling you here. 如果神在别的地方呼召你,那就去那里.在听到这些话并为此祈祷之后, we felt confirmation that God wanted us to become planted here and to do in-person seminary in the city of New Orleans. 从那以后我们就一直待在那里.

目前,Kyle和瑞秋都是NOBTS的宝盈APP登录. Kyle graduated last December with a pair of master’s degrees and is now studying in one of the seminary’s Ph.D. 项目. 瑞秋 is working toward a master’s degree in biblical languages. 在一起, they believe God is leading them toward a ministry that intersects their love for missions and their passion for the local church. They want to work with indigenous leaders of churches overseas, teaching them how to grow strong local congregations in their context.

I always said that if God would write me a blank check, I would teach on the foreign missions field. That may be in a formal seminary setting, but maybe it won’t be so formal. 瑞秋 and I have both done missions across the world; and every time, 我们回到家,希望能得到更多的支持, 更多的教育, 为当地教会提供更多培训. So, we want to help local churches on the foreign mission field thrive and be the best that they can be. 

Kyle admits that God may change their plans, meaning they may never serve on a foreign mission field. But he is comfortable allowing the Lord to set the agenda for his life and ministry. The investments of so many family members and mentors have given him the confidence to lean into God and to trust Him for direction.

He is also quick to acknowledge one other group of “investors” who have made a difference in his family’s life. 因为他和瑞秋都是宝盈APP登录, 他们都感受到了慷慨捐赠者的影响, faithful friends who have consistently supported the mission and ministry of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and Leavell College. And he is committed to making sure that investment is honored.

He also wants to see his story multiplied across as many students as possible because the kingdom results could be astounding.

我是在农场长大的. 我不知道自己在做什么. But I came to seminary, and I have been equipped to lead the local church with excellence. I want thousands more students to experience that same thing. I want them to be able to come to seminary and get the tools they need to lead in a local church. 

I’ve been able to go all over the world and share the gospel. 我看到穆斯林、佛教徒和摩门教徒找到了救赎. And that was just my story—one student out of the thousands who are being invested in. The expanse of that return on investment is just unbelievable when you see it through God’s eyes.

在上帝的祝福下, leaders like Kyle and 瑞秋 Pieri will make a difference for God’s kingdom that will resonate from New Orleans to the ends of the earth for generations to come. And your gifts to the Providence Fund help make that happen for them and so many students just like them. Every dollar you give to the Providence Fund is a dollar our students won’t have to pay. So, your generosity will change their lives right now and will continue changing lives through them well into the future.

Thank you in advance for supporting New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and Leavell College. 我们的感激之情无以言表. 更多的 important, we appreciate you and pray God’s richest blessings on you in the days ahead.


P.S.— The impact of Hurricane Ida has disrupted the work of NOBTS and Leavell College. 仍然, 而我们的校园却幸免于灾难性的破坏, 与维修有关的费用将会很大. Our insurance inspection found water and roof damage in numerous buildings, and the seminary will be facing several million dollars in repairs beyond insurance. So, we are asking you to pray for us as we begin to repair our campus. We are also asking you to consider making a generous gift that will help us continue to prepare servants who will walk with Christ, 宣扬他的真理, 来完成他的使命. For more information on how you can help, simply visit us at bms527.prseniorcare.com/donate
